Published by Mijingo

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EE Podcast: Stash & Template Partials

Clearly, Stash is the new hotness around these parts, and if you’ve been trying to wrap your mind around how to create an even faster and easier to maintain site – guest Adrienne Leigh says this approach is a “game changer” and cannot overstate how drastic the performance improvement will be if you use this way of creating templates.

Tune in to hear about her first approach to template partials, how she plans out the templates, and even some updates to the article she wrote here on EE Insider. Bonus: we get an inside scoop as to what’s in store for Devot:ee and the podcast chats about our plans for EECI 2012 US!

Tune in now!

Posted on Sep 20, 2012 by CTRL+CLICK CAST

Filed Under: EE Podcast